Saturday, May 18, 2013


Hello gamers, welcome to another post here on Games Knight with me Ciaran. Something a little different this week on Games Knight as I start what will be an on-going feature on Games Knight by me. Parchment will be a review of sci-fi, fantasy novels and Black Library publications that are in my vast library. In this first instalment I will run you through what I mainly read and some of my favourite reads.

The Horus Heresy.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Warp Wyrms Project Log - Entry 1

Greetings Gamers, 
Gravius here with a small update to my Warp Wyrms Project Log (which started here). This week I’ll be delving into the process I used to slap a bit of paint onto my Heldrake.
First off I’ve got to say the Heldrake was an instant favourite of mine when it was released. I know it’s a controversial model both in terms of its power on the board and it’s aesthetics but my reason for liking it was simple. It’s a dragon! In fact, better than that, it’s a warplane dragon!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Deadzone - Kickstarter

Gravius here with a little nudge to all our readers in the direction of the Deadzone kickstarter from Mantic Games.

If you're reading this blog then Deadzone should be right up your street. Miniatures, sci-fi, wargaming, it's pretty much all the things we love here on Games Knight rolled into one skirmish-game-shaped package.
Deadzone - by Mantic Games