Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Names Knight, Games Knight

Howdy folks

If you read Ciaran’s earlier post (or the ‘about us’ segment on the right), you’ll know Games Knight consists of two people. Now that Ciaran has warmed you all up, it’s time for the main event!

My name is Gravius (obviously not my real name but hey this is the internet after all) and I’ve been playing miniatures Wargames and PnPRPGs for the best part of the last 12 years. As with many hobbyists, I’ve had some years where I’ve fallen out with the hobby (mostly due to being a poor student and deciding eating was more important, foolish I know) and others where it’s been my main activity.

My miniatures adventure began when I was about 16 and a friend dragged me into a Games Workshop store (he played at the time and I didn’t). In typical fashion my friend started talking to a staff member and left me to wander around looking at all the shiny. Before long, a rather enthusiastic staff member bounded over to me and started to ask me lots of question to which I had no answer, which army do you collect? Have you seen the new models? What do think about ‘x’? I told him I hadn’t a clue about anything he just said, and my hobby adventure began there and then, with an intro-game, some paints, and some Imperial Guardsmen. Along with a few side quests, into Privateer Press and Mantic Games my focus this year is back to 40k, and hopefully over the coming months I can share a growing army, their backstory and their rise to galactic dominance (mainly involving the slaughter of Imperial Fists, eh Ciaran!).
Also, at around 16 I was introduced to PnPRPGs. Cyberpunk was the first I played, and still have vivid memories of a rather psychopathic first character that created the true sport of the future, HeadConkers. Without going into detail, it involved a spinal column and a significant degree of violence. The real RPG bug for me, landed with my acquisition of DnD 3.5 and my reign as power-mad DM began. Lately, I haven’t got to role-play as much as I would have liked, but I believe things could be about to change with the Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG, and I’ll be sure to keep you informed.

Over the coming months, you’ll likely see a couple of different things from me. Firstly, I’d like to start off by detailing my current 40k armies, my traitor guard and my warband of traitor marines, going into a bit of their backstory, and showing a few pictures if I’m feeling brave. I think it should be noted, whenever I talk about or show pictures of my own collection, it’s not because I want to blow my own trumpet, but rather I know how exciting it can be to see the way others collect and paint. I know whenever I see a DIY space marine chapter, in colours I’d never even considered, or read a good backstory to a character or army, it inspires me to get thinking a little more creatively about my beloved lumps of plastic. If through my ramblings about my collection, I can help even one person out with some ideas or inspiration, I’ll consider my aim fulfilled.
Secondly, I am lucky enough to get a small gaming session in with friends once a week, and it’s my intention to pass on some friendly (and entirely biased) reviews of anything interesting or new I’ve been introduced to recently.

Oh, and one final thing, this hobby (be it RPGs or miniatures) is about people. As much as we enjoy sitting in our ‘batcaves’ painting our armies or plotting our next character, the real thrill comes from putting our armies on the board, rolling our dice and interacting with our peers. To this end, please feel free to leave comments, send us emails, and generally get involved in future discussions.
So, until next post, happy gaming all.

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