Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hello gamers, Ciaran here and its good to be back! You may have noticed it has been a while since there has been any posts on Games Knight from me or Gravius and I would like to address that issue.

Both myself and Gravius have started new secular jobs in the last month or so and that coupled with summer holidays has simply meant not so much hobby time. Gravius may be out of action a little longer but starting this Saturday I will be back with weekly posts. Please join me this Saturday as I review the new Apocalypse expansion  from GW in depth and give my reaction.

Moving forward there will be more book reviews via 'Parchment' and I will be sharing an old gaming flame of mine.... Top Trumps! Also news on a massive 40k campaign we will be running here on Games Knight and plenty of reviews are in the pipe line.

The future's bright, the future is Games Knight.


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