Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hello and welcome to the 2nd week of my coverage of Dropzone Commander by Hawk Wargames. In this week’s post we look at the rules and some of the game mechanics that I feel make this game very appealing.


The game turn is broken down into 4 phases –

·         Phase 1 : Initiation

·         Phase 2 : Activation

·         Phase 3 : Actions

·         Phase 4: Roundup


Every game turn always start with the initiation phase which plays as follows –


ROLL FOR INITIATIVE – Each player rolls a 1D6 and adds the command value of their highest ranking commander present on the table. Please note to add you command value to you 1DR roll you need the command deck of cards which you do not get with the 2 player starter set. This is not an essential you must have and can easily just roll 1D6 and go with the highest roll, dicing off if there is a tie. The winner of the initiative roll may elect to reduce his initiative score to 1 making his opponent go first which sometimes can be a good tactical play.


DISCARD CARDS – If command cards are being used then you may discard any unwanted command cards at this time.


DRAW CARDS – Again, if command cards are being used then this is an opportunity for players to replenish their command cards.


CLEANUP – Any special effects form special rules may now be addressed.


ROLL FOR RESERVES – Each player, in order of initiative, may roll 1D6 for each battlegroup they have in reserve to see if their much needed reserves can be called upon this turn.


We now progress in phase 2 of the turn sequence: ACTIVATION. The player with the highest initiative activates battlegroup. Activating a battlegroup means that player can now perform the action phase. Once the first player has completed his actions with his battlegroup then the 2nd player with the 2nd highest initiative may activate a battlegroup and so on. Phase 2 continues in this fashion until all battlegroups have been activated and completed their action phase.


In the action phase battlegroups can move, shoot, engage in close quarter battle, embark and disembark troops and APC’s via dropship carrier. Note that players can shoot then move or vice versa. This is a mechanic I like as it give players more offensive or defensive as the case may be, capabilities.


Once all actions have been completed by each battlegroup in the player’s force it is onto the roundup phase. Any special rules and effects which occur in the roundup phase now take place by order of initiative. Players should check the victory conditions of the scenario they are playing. If the conditions are met or the number of stated turns has elapsed then the game is over. If not, the turn is over.



This is a game mechanic I really like in this game so I want to share it with you guys out there. Just like the command cards, you do not get any aircraft fighters in the starter set so this isn’t a must have section but if you anything like me you will add some aerial support to you battle groups.

 Aircrafts in Dropzone Commander always start in readiness or reserve so you have to see if air support is available to be called upon at that time. This is done by rolling 1D6, on a roll of 2-6 air support may be called in to perform an attack run or make an interception. On a roll of a 1 however, the aircraft remains in readiness/reserve. I really like this as it reflects the realistic logistical side of calling in an air strike and that it cannot always be relied upon.  If the roll was successful, a fighter aircraft can enter the game from any table edge and then follows a pre-designated attack flight path laying down fire upon any enemy unit along that flight path. Your opponent has the chance to use his anti-air units to try gun you down whilst making this attack run, or even call in air support of his own on an intercept course with the attacking aircraft. Likewise, an aircraft called in to perform an interception will have to dodge the anti-air units of the opponent in question. It almost breaks down into a mini game in the game! I do not think this is a bad thing though and I think the rules for the aircraft in Dropzone Commander have been well thought out and add another level of excitement to the game.



I really like the rulebook you get for this game; it is one of the nicest rule books I have read for a long time. All the rules are explained in simple terms and have diagrams with them depicting in game play to help give you a good mental image on how this will look in action. I am massive fan of the rules for aircraft in this game. It gives them an important role to play in terms of the game but doesn’t lend itself to aircraft being a overpowered solution for players to dominate the game which is what has spoilt 40k 6th edition in my opinion. Other rules I liked that I will quickly mention was the LZ rules for dropships, including ‘LZ is hot!’ special rule, and 'exceptional ground' which grants tanks and APC’s 2+ inches to their normal movement value if moving on exceptional ground i.e. road.

I am itching to start playing this game! I am still painting my UCM and will start assembling the scourge army alongside this and start painting them once my UCM army is complete.  Once I have the 2 forces from the starter set completed I will be getting some game sin and reporting back to you here on Games-Knight my gaming experience with Dropzone Commander. I have a feeling it is going to be a very, very good experience at that.

That’s going to do it for this week, we take a little break from Dropzone Commander next week as I bring you a Halloween themed post next week looking at zombie board games and in particular The Walking Dead board game. Please join me for that next week and in the meantime feel free to contact me regarding this week’s post on Dropzone Commander or anything else hobby related at – Till next week take care. Ciaran.




Saturday, October 19, 2013


Welcome to the world of Dropzone Commander by Hawk WarGames. Dropzone Commander is a sci-fi 10mm war game set in the future of the 27th century where mankind battle to reconquer the galaxy they have been driven from by the vile alien entity known as the Scourge. Whilst these two factions battle each other, they will also fight alongside or against the Post Human Republic (PHR) and the alien tribes of the Shaltari. Armies preform rapid deployments of tanks and troops via dropships whilst fighter jets battle for air superiority and strafe their opponents with devastating attack runs.  Battles take place across terrains of all types and are often pitched in urban areas where key objectives and intel are fought over in bloody, room to room close combat inside buildings. If the buildings cannot be garrisoned, a commander will often turn the destructive fire power of his forces to destroy the building and turn it to rubble. Sound like fun? Then keep reading as I delve further into Dropzone Commander.

My journey into this new gaming system begins with the starter set for Dropzone Commander. This has to be the best start set ever released in the war games industry as far as I am concerned. For £60 you will get two 500point armies for the UCM and the Scourge in quality white plastic, road maps to make a 3 x 4 play area to fight over, 10 quick and easy to assemble cardboard buildings, all tokens and templates needed to play the game, the latest revised 1.1 rulebook, dice and if all that wasn’t enough your very own Hawk Wargames, key-ring tape measure. Real value for money in any gamer’s books I am sure you will agree.

 The rule book is one of the nicest rule books I have read in a very long time. The thing I really liked about the rule book is that all the fluff was right at the start of the rule book and after reading the 11 pages of the back story to the universe of Dropzone Commander I was raring to have a game! The rules are broken down in easy to read text and diagrams and make for fast, tactical play and the onus is very much on the player to do the work as special rules are at a minimum and invulnerable saves even rarer. Armies are very balanced with strengths and weaknesses for all the factions in the game lending itself to very tactical ‘chess like’ games.

 The plastic sprues are good quality and the detail spent on the 10mm miniatures is amazing. I have assembled the UCM sprues and it took no time at all and was pretty straight forward to put together with only the Condor dropship proving to be the fiddliest but after you put 1 together the other 2 were quicker to do. I have never played 10mm before so this is a totally new experience for me as will painting 10mm scale. I have started painting my UCM army and the dropships and APC’s are coming on well with dry brushing techniques and ink washes working very well and producing quick results.  Painting 10mm scale infantry could be a challenge for me but I have based the 6 squads of Colonial Legionnaires using GW textured paints. The Scourge sprues are equally as good and I am looking forward to painting the Scourge and using some washes to cerates some very alien effects.

The quality and amount of terrain you get in this box set is impressive to say the least. A readymade 3x4 play area and 10 buildings of varying sizes gives you plenty to game with the size of armies you get in the box set. It also gives you a good basis to expand upon if you wish to increase the size of your battles and gaming area. Terrain is a very important part of Dropzone Commander and adds a real level of tactical play to the game that gives players plenty to think about as they deploy and re-deploy their forces across the battle ground. Cover is essential to your ground troops and squads caught out in the open are often heavily punished so using the terrain to cover your troops and tank units is a strong point to the game and often determines the victor.

Overall I repeat what I said at the start of this article and that is that this is the best starter set released in the war gaming industry to date. Hats off to David J. Lewis at Hawk Wargames who has put all of his soul into this product and this is just the start! I am very glad I have discovered the hobby that is Dropzone Commander and please join me next week as I continue my journey into the world of Dropzone Commander by looking into the rules in depth and how the game plays.

Has Dropship Commander peaked your interest? Do you already play Dropzone Commander? Please get in touch and let me know your thoughts –



Monday, October 14, 2013


Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read this post. For the last 4 weeks I have been working hard to bring you Games-Knight TV on You Tube. This has always been a aim of mine to enable me to bring you guys at home great video content. It is with a great amount of frustration and sadness I have to out this particular project on hold. My partner in crime Gravius has decided to part ways with the blog. First of all may I take this opportunity to thank Gravius for his great posts here on the blog and his support in setting up the blog. This very much leaves me as a legion of one and just simply cannot film, edit, produce and run Games-Knight TV on my own. It still is a aim of mine to one day bring Games-Knight TV to you loyal viewers all over the world but sadly it has to take a back seat for the time being. However, I would like to stress that the blog will very much be continuing in the mean time and I have plenty of content to bring you over the next few months.


This weekend  I will delve into the world of Dropzone Commander by Hawk WarGames. This is my new hobby at present and I cant wait to share it with you guys out there. There will be plenty more Star wars Content coming to Games-Knight as we feel the full power of the force in the shape of X-Wing Miniatures and Star Wars LCG. We have products from TopTrumps to show off, board game reviews and much, much more.


Games-Knight needs your support more than ever. The first way you can support the blog is to keep reading. I am very proud of the number of hits I get on this blog each week and very proud of the high number of overseas readers I have. Thank you so much for your support and please keep reading. There is another way you can support Games-Knight and this is an opportunity I am putting out to you. If you are local to the Cannock area, a keen hobbyist and passionate about sharing your hobby interests with the gaming community, then Games-Knight could be the place for you! I am looking for 3 gamers to join me here at Games-Knight to form a solid team and give the blog the platform to expand. If you think this is something you can do then please contact me - Genuine applicants only please.

Again thank you for taking the time to read this and apologies for the delay in bringing you Games-Knight TV. No one is more frustrated about this than I am. In the mean time please join me this weekend as we look into the world of Dropzone Commander. Take care and keep gaming. Ciaran.