Monday, October 14, 2013


Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read this post. For the last 4 weeks I have been working hard to bring you Games-Knight TV on You Tube. This has always been a aim of mine to enable me to bring you guys at home great video content. It is with a great amount of frustration and sadness I have to out this particular project on hold. My partner in crime Gravius has decided to part ways with the blog. First of all may I take this opportunity to thank Gravius for his great posts here on the blog and his support in setting up the blog. This very much leaves me as a legion of one and just simply cannot film, edit, produce and run Games-Knight TV on my own. It still is a aim of mine to one day bring Games-Knight TV to you loyal viewers all over the world but sadly it has to take a back seat for the time being. However, I would like to stress that the blog will very much be continuing in the mean time and I have plenty of content to bring you over the next few months.


This weekend  I will delve into the world of Dropzone Commander by Hawk WarGames. This is my new hobby at present and I cant wait to share it with you guys out there. There will be plenty more Star wars Content coming to Games-Knight as we feel the full power of the force in the shape of X-Wing Miniatures and Star Wars LCG. We have products from TopTrumps to show off, board game reviews and much, much more.


Games-Knight needs your support more than ever. The first way you can support the blog is to keep reading. I am very proud of the number of hits I get on this blog each week and very proud of the high number of overseas readers I have. Thank you so much for your support and please keep reading. There is another way you can support Games-Knight and this is an opportunity I am putting out to you. If you are local to the Cannock area, a keen hobbyist and passionate about sharing your hobby interests with the gaming community, then Games-Knight could be the place for you! I am looking for 3 gamers to join me here at Games-Knight to form a solid team and give the blog the platform to expand. If you think this is something you can do then please contact me - Genuine applicants only please.

Again thank you for taking the time to read this and apologies for the delay in bringing you Games-Knight TV. No one is more frustrated about this than I am. In the mean time please join me this weekend as we look into the world of Dropzone Commander. Take care and keep gaming. Ciaran.


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