Tuesday, April 30, 2013


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far way….


Welcome to another posting here on Games Knight. This week Ciaran and Gravius review Star Wars: The Card game by Fantasy Flight.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Hello gamers, Ciaran here this week on Games Knight with a weekly helping of gaming goodness. It is just a brief post this week due to unforeseen circumstances and a lot of work going on behind the scenes here at Games Knight. With this in mind I thought I would give you a sneak preview of some of the content we will be bringing you in the upcoming months.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Hello gamers, Ciaran here with a report on the 2013 Immortals Warzone 40k tournament that took place last weekend. First of all a massive thank you to Brian, Gary, James and all the guys at Immortals for putting on a very well organised tournament.  Well I can say that at my first ‘proper’ tournament that I got a round of applause and was awarded. Awarded with the wooden spoon! Someone has to be last and on this occasion it was I, but it didn’t stop me from enjoying a whole day of playing 40k.  In this article I would like to do a review of the three games I played, show off some pics of my Grey Knight army and discuss what I learnt from the tournament.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Warp Wyrms Chaos Warband

Today I’ll be starting a Project Log which will follow the creation of my Chaos Warband, the Warp Wyrms. These devoted followers of Tzeentch were once members of a Salamanders successor Chapter, known as the Flaming Talons, founded during M36. However, during their first campaign, to protect a system from a tentacle of Hive Fleet Goliath, misfortune dogged the Chapter. Equipment would fail at inopportune moments, weapons would jam, the teleporters of their capital ship malfunctioned altering coordinates or simply obliterating members of the 1st company and communications equipment would fail, preventing requests for reinforcements and the warning of nearby systems. Unable to stop the advance of Goliath several vessels attempted warp jumps to warn nearby systems and ready defences. All of these vessels failed to arrive. Before the end of M36, the Flaming Talons had disappeared from Imperial Record, which battle truly ended the Chapter is not recorded, but it is certain their appalling luck had a lot to do with it. Now, as we approach the zenith of M41, fringe systems have reported sightings of archaic vessels bearing markings reminiscent of a chapter long since dead.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Punished by a Bloodthrister

A Bloodthirster, by Games Workshop

This week, I encountered a Bloodthrister for the first time in 6th Edition. I was lucky enough to avoid one during my brief stint with 5th so I have no comparison between the new 6th Ed version and the old codex. What I do know is the current version is terrifying!