Sunday, April 7, 2013

Warp Wyrms Chaos Warband

Today I’ll be starting a Project Log which will follow the creation of my Chaos Warband, the Warp Wyrms. These devoted followers of Tzeentch were once members of a Salamanders successor Chapter, known as the Flaming Talons, founded during M36. However, during their first campaign, to protect a system from a tentacle of Hive Fleet Goliath, misfortune dogged the Chapter. Equipment would fail at inopportune moments, weapons would jam, the teleporters of their capital ship malfunctioned altering coordinates or simply obliterating members of the 1st company and communications equipment would fail, preventing requests for reinforcements and the warning of nearby systems. Unable to stop the advance of Goliath several vessels attempted warp jumps to warn nearby systems and ready defences. All of these vessels failed to arrive. Before the end of M36, the Flaming Talons had disappeared from Imperial Record, which battle truly ended the Chapter is not recorded, but it is certain their appalling luck had a lot to do with it. Now, as we approach the zenith of M41, fringe systems have reported sightings of archaic vessels bearing markings reminiscent of a chapter long since dead.

Army List

Below is the list I am working towards as the foundation of my army. I like to start with 1500 point goal in mind, as this is the size of game I usually play, and it should be easy to create a smaller force from this pool, when needed. I’ve tried to keep a strong dragon theme running through the list.

Daemon Prince w/ Daemon of Tzeentch, Wings, Power Armour, Burning Brand = 250

This guy is done. He was my inspiration and was a fairly easy conversion. The head is from a cold one, the rest of him is from the Daemon Prince box. Oh and he carries a wall around, cause it makes him feel safer.

Sorceror w/ MoT, Disc of Tzeentch, Mastery 2, Melta Bombs, Sigil of Corruption, VotLW = 165
The groundwork for my Sorceror is done. His head and shoulderpads and from the Dark Vengeance ‘Chosen Champion’ because I liked the third eye in his forehead for a sorcerer. The body and legs are from a left over space marine, so I’ve given him a bit of a robe to make his frontage a bit more interesting. His disc is a disc of foamboard with some Milliputt over the top, shaped like eyes and mouths. Tentacles sticking out of the disc come from the spawn kit.


5 x Chaos Marines w/ MoT, Icon of Flame, Combi-Melta, Melta Bombs = 115

5 x Chaos Marines (as above) = 115

5 x Chaos Marines (as above) = 115
Originally, I was going to have 2 squads of 10 marines (hence the squad of 10 in the picture), however, after a couple of games I think I’m going to try them out in smaller squads. Means I can hold more objectives and target more squads with the icon of flame, to set them on fire. As for the models, these guys are pretty much out the box, with the addition of a dragon-style shoulderpad I sculpted for them, and then cast with Insta-mold, so I can get it consistent on each guy.

5 x Thousand Sons w/ Melta Bombs = 155
I’ve not got these chaps yet. My thinking currently is to just use the stock models for the most part. I like to think that my Sorceror has bargained with the Thousand Sons for a few of their Automatons to assist him.

Heldrake w/ Baleflamer = 170

Heldrake is pretty standard, I like his jaunty angle, makes him look like he swooping round to lay a line of flame. The reason it’s in the list? It’s a dragon! Also, it’s pretty amazing in game.

 5 x Warp Talons w/ MoT, VotLW = 205
The majority of the models are standard, as they look pretty awesome as they are. However, I have added some Saurus warrior heads, to tie them in with the dragon theme.


Maulerfiend w/ Magma Cutters = 125

This guy is in the list to make up for my lack of real anti-armour punch and again, he fits with the dragon-esque style of my warband. The colour scheme on his armour plates, is going to be the colour scheme across my warband. Deep red, edge highlighted, with Bone accents. On the skin I was going for a Pink and Blue hue (to tie him in with Tzeentch as I imagine the fleshy parts are made from whatever horrors are made from) but I’m not sure if I like it yet. I may change it to blue to match the Daemon Prince. The base is how I intend to base the whole army eventually. It's not finished yet, as I need to neaten up the lava colouring, and then on top of that i'm going to put some hobby-shop coal (the kind the people put in model trains) as it looks like dried molten rock. I'm hoping the finished effect will be a black, slightly shiny surface, with just a hint of the red and yellow beneath.

1 x Obliterator w/ MoT, VotLW = 81

Again, the Obliterator is to add some anti-armour firepower mostly. I’ve not got a model for this yet, but I was thinking of using the new dragon ogres as a base, the modelling some extra arms/tentacles, and giving him a load of guns and ammunition. Any suggestions on this would be most welcome.

TOTAL = 1496

So there you have it, the beginnings of my Chaos Warband. As further ideas strike or I get some painting done, I’ll keep you updated, and as always, any comments or suggestions are appreciated.


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