Sunday, March 31, 2013


Welcome gamers! Ciaran here wishing you all a very happy Easter and also a very happy international table top day. All over the world gamers have been indulging in their favourite table top games at home or down their local war gaming store. It truly does show how the hobby has grown and it fills me with pride to see and be part of a worldwide community. This week I really just want to talk about how great our hobby is and share with you my experience from time spent at my local war gaming store on international table top day.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


''When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.''
 - Cersei Lannister

Hello gamers and welcome to another blog post from us here at Games Knight. If you are a Game of Thrones fan you have come to the right place this week as me and Gravius review the Game of Thrones board game by Fantasy Flight Games. If you are not familiar with a Game of Thrones but like your board games I am sure you will find this review just as enjoyable.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Hello gamers, Ciaran here and this week I share with you all my first battle report here on Games Knight 40k style. My Imperial Fists went toe to toe with the forces of Chaos, who would prove victorious? Read on to find out.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dreadball Review

Greetings gamers, Gravius here once again and this time I’d like to talk a little about Dreadball.
If you’re not familiar with Dreadball it’s the second most popular sport of the future (I briefly mention the most popular here), although the Dreadball propaganda would have you believe otherwise! Dreadball is published by Mantic Games and is set in the same universe as their Warpath Miniatures Wargame.

The Fluff
In packed out arenas the length and breadth of the galaxy, teams of six on-field players try to launch a metal ball at around 200kph into targets in the opposing teams half. Skilled ‘strikers’ dart deftly between tackles to make game winning plays with seconds to spare, while bruising ‘guards’ land crushing blows on any opponents foolish enough to come within reach. It is a game of skill, speed, and violence and is loved the galaxy over for the guaranteed excitement it offers.
My Forge Fathers, arrayed before their adoring home fans

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hello there gamers and welcome to another posting here on Games Knight. This week I show you my Imperial Fists force I have picked for an upcoming game of Warhammer 40k I have this Monday night. The results of the game will be shown right here on Games Knight next week as I publish my first battle report.

I will be playing against a long time friend and gamer Mr. Dan Price who has forsaken the Imperium and dedicated himself to the ruinous powers of Chaos. We have been regular opponent's for nearly ten years now and enjoy very tactical, competitive games against one another. The mission and deployment will be decided on the night but we have agreed to an 1000 points army limit, ideal for an evening's gaming. So lets take a look at the force I have mustered.
HQ choice and Warlord. Captain Darnath Lysander. The meat grinder of Warhammer 40k. 200 points may seem a lot but in my opinion he is worth every single point. His storm shield with 3+ invunerable save makes him very durable even against your opponents armoured units! Being clad in Terminator armour give him a basic 2+ save and also gives you the choice of starting him in reserve and teleporting him into battle. So Lysander can take punishment and armed with The Fist of Dorn, a master-crafted thunder hammer, he can also dish out punishment on a strength 10 basis. Along with great war gear he also has some great special rules and in particular 'Bolter Drill' which is the scourge of any Imperial Fist opponent. 'Bolter Drill' allows any unit Lysander is attached too to re-roll failed 'to hit' rolls when shooting with heavy bolters, storm bolters, bolters and bolt pistols. I find this works best when Lysander is attached to a ten man Terminator squad!
Troops. Two Space Marine tactical squads. Space Marines boast the most durable troop choices in the game of Warhammer 40k thanks to the 3+ save their power armour grants them. Scouts get picked off to quickly and eaisly for my liking. One tactical squad has a Space Marine armed with a plasma gun and another Space Marine with a flamer. The other Tactical squad has a Space Marine with a Missle Launcher and another Space Marine with a Flamer. The Sgt. in this Squad has a plasma pistol. Both squad Sgt.'s have teleport homers.


Elites. Five man Terminator squad which Lysander will be attached too. One of the Terminators is armed with a cyclone missle launcher. 2+ save armed with power fists and storm bolters is all you need to know.

Heavy Support. Vindicator tank. Good all rounder in the tank division for me. Armour profile is steady, Front 13 Side 11 Rear 10, and armed with a siege shield dangerous terrain tests are automatically passed. The Demolisher Cannon is deadly. Range 24'' strength 10, AP 2, ordinance 1 means you are causing maximum damage to enemy infantry and armoured units alike.

And that is it. 940 points in total. Anything else would tip me over the 1000 points limit. Not a lot on the table admittedly but if used correctly (and with the dice gods on your side) it can be a match for any opponent. To see how, check back in with me next week here at Games Knight where I will be publishing my first battle report and hopefully an Imperial Fists victory!

Thank you for reading, have a great weekend whatever your hobby projects may be and remember here at Games Knight we always want to hear from you. Got any suggestions for my army list? Then post a comment below or email us direct at

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Hello gamers. Many thanks to Gravius with his excellent post earlier, and I can tell you from personal experience that this army that favours fluff over force is more than capable of holding its own in a fight!  Please leave some comments on the post and help Gravius with his basing dilemma (I have already posted my suggestion)

So, now onto my post for this week and I have a topic to discuss that I think applies to all gamers out there and more so to older gamers. What topic is this then I hear you all ask, (or could just be my mind playing tricks on me!) The topic my friends is how do we find time to get our beloved miniatures painted.  As I mentioned in my post last week I am currently in the process of trying to get an 1800 points Grey Knights army complete by the 6th April for the Immortal Warzone 40k tournament. After a promising start I have find myself lagging behind due to all the modern day pressures we all face, work, partners, day to day trials and tribulations etc. which we all have to deal with and rob us of our hobby time.  With this I thought I would post some motivational tips on how to keep persevering with your painting projects when the world seems determined to stop you and hopefully get some feedback from you guys, the gamers, with your tips on making the most of your hobby time.

Do something every day. This a rule I have made for myself and I find it does help. I always make myself do something with my current painting project each day. That can be either sitting down for a good 2 -3 hours and getting some quality painting time in, or if I don’t have the time for that on that particular day then I try to at least get a host of miniatures undercoated with the spray can or glue models together. If you do something every day then on the times you do get to have a good crack at it all the ‘small things’ you have done pave the way and will save you time. Another benefit I find from doing something every day is that you will see progress with you army / character and for me personally when I can see progress with my current project that fuels me to push on.

If you are not in the mood, don’t push it. After just preaching to you all saying do something every day this might seem an odd thing to say but I am sure we have all had times when we are simply not in the mood to paint. If I ever find myself lacking in creativity then I will either glue some models together or undercoat a current batch ready for when my creative juices return. If you try forcing yourself to paint I personally find that can do more harm than good and can demotivate you from the task at hand. So to put it simply, if you are not in the mood to paint crack open a beer and enjoy a good book instead!

Be organised. This really can be a massive help in getting painting projects, particularly large army projects, done on time. With my current Grey Knights project I pointed up all the miniatures I had to see where I was points wise which was 1298 points. By doing this I could see I had a good basis of an army already and with the points left over to get to 1800 points I knew I would have to make some new acquisitions aka buy some new shiny shiny! By doing this it gave me the motivation to get what I already have painted and completed so I can move onto getting new models for my army.

And finally the most important tip… enjoy yourself! Painting your armies / characters should be an enjoyable experience .If you find yourself getting frustrated don’t push it, glue some models together instead. If you are feeling overwhelmed with the amount of models you need to get painted then do some organisational process to make it easier for yourself eg. Set certain days to paint certain units.  And on that note I am off to do some painting! Thank you for reading and please get in touch by dropping a comment below or if you prefer a more direct means of communication you can email us at Till next time, happy painting and keep rolling sixes.

Traitors, Traitors Everywhere

For this post I’d like to splash a little colour on our corner of the internet (mostly red), and show you my Khornate Traitor Guard army ‘The Grandoshan Rebels’. I put this army together during 5th edition rules, so there are a few things I’d like to add in the near future to bring it up to date (namely some daemon allies). It’s mostly for the fluff, so it’s not a particularly competitive build but it holds its own during friendly games.