Sunday, March 31, 2013


Welcome gamers! Ciaran here wishing you all a very happy Easter and also a very happy international table top day. All over the world gamers have been indulging in their favourite table top games at home or down their local war gaming store. It truly does show how the hobby has grown and it fills me with pride to see and be part of a worldwide community. This week I really just want to talk about how great our hobby is and share with you my experience from time spent at my local war gaming store on international table top day.

Keeping with the international theme I want to say a big thank you to all the overseas viewers we have had here on Games Knight. Like minded gamers from all over the world have been viewing our humble posts and we are thrilled to reach out to such a worldwide audience.  Please get in touch with us here at Games Knight and tell us about the hobby scene in your part of the world, we would be thrilled to hear from you!

Saturday 30th March 2013. International table top day. After my usual mundane Saturday morning routine of housework, grocery shopping and paying bills was completed I headed on down to my local war gaming store. My local store is Titan Games in Lichfield who cater to all aspects of the hobby and have excellent, knowledgeable staff running the store. If you live local to the Lichfield area I strongly recommend you pay Titan Games a visit, you won’t be disappointed. On arriving I find the store is crammed with enthusiastic gamers and that there is a game of Space Hulk taking place at the front table of the store. If this wasn’t good enough I then bumped into an old school friend who I shared a few games of 40k with back in my high school days.  We chatted at length about our hobby interests (and dislikes!) and also had the pleasure of being introduced to a friend of his who was a very keen RPG player and a great guy to boot. All in all a great way to spend International table top day and for me summed up what makes this hobby so great, our community. Not only is our gaming community full of great likeminded people but it is full of great likeminded people all over the world.

Another aspect that has come to light this year more than any other year is how vast out hobby has become.  For many years now GW have been the industry standard and many gamers for many years, myself included, have only ever really known the world that GW showed us. Not that there is anything wrong with GW or their products, I am and will remain massive fan of their products and game systems. However, GW has made some decisions lately that have very much gone against the grain of ‘community’ and left a sour taste in many gamer’s mouths. I am not going to go into details and bad mouth GW as that isn’t what this blog is for or about but all I will say is that there is a big world of gaming out there and GW may want to rethink their stance of having a stubborn pre-internet mentality. Privateer Press are having massive success with War Machine, Hordes, Level 7 & and their other great range of products and have a massive fan base here in the UK. Although I don’t play this game system myself I can see why many gamers have switched from 40k to this game system. Privateer Press aren’t the only ones making waves, Mongoose Publishing, Spartan Games, Fantasy Flight, Mantic Games and West Wind Productions, to name just a few, are all churning out quality game systems that are high in demand and popularity. Couple this with the Kick Starter factor and the future of our hobby is going to be vast and that can only be a good thing.

Here on Games Knight in the coming months we very much intend to share the vastness of our hobby with you guys. So far I would like to think we have done a good job of that but we don’t rest on our laurels here at Games Knight! I know Gravius will be bringing some great RPG and board game reviews to you in the coming months from his excellent gaming group sessions on a Wednesday night. From my side I want to share my journey into new gaming systems as I broaden my gaming horizons with the Judge Dredd Miniatures game by Mongoose Publishing and some steam punk goodness with the amazing Empire of The Dead game from West Wind Productions. And as always we will have Warhammer 40k articles and stay tuned for news of a massive narrative driven 40k campaign we are going to be featuring here on Games Knight.

That’s it from me this week; I hope you have enjoyed reading this week’s post. Please get in touch with us here at Games Knight and share with us your International table top stories and anything hobby related. Till next time gamers.

Please get in touch! –

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