Saturday, March 2, 2013

Traitors, Traitors Everywhere

For this post I’d like to splash a little colour on our corner of the internet (mostly red), and show you my Khornate Traitor Guard army ‘The Grandoshan Rebels’. I put this army together during 5th edition rules, so there are a few things I’d like to add in the near future to bring it up to date (namely some daemon allies). It’s mostly for the fluff, so it’s not a particularly competitive build but it holds its own during friendly games.

A little background
The world of Grandosha had long been garrisoned by Imperial forces in order to mine the planets rich mineral and gas reserves. Over the years it became common, when garrison forces were shipped off world to yet another conflict, for the losses to be made up by recruiting the natives. After years of relatively peaceful relations, a native proclaiming himself as the ‘Red Prophet’ arose and began uniting the native kingdoms against the garrison. For the most part, any attacks the natives made were futile due to the vast technological difference. However, the garrison realised if all the kingdoms were united beneath the banner of this red prophet, they could pose a threat through numbers alone. The decision was taken to eliminate the prophet and hopefully end the rebellion. Under cover of darkness a crack team infiltrated the prophet’s encampment and slew him in his sleep. However, for some unknown reason the team didn’t stop there and under the light of a baleful red moon, they slaughtered their way through camp after camp, killing all they could find. In one night of madness, the garrison had succeeded in uniting an entire populace against them. Those who had been recruited into the garrison deserted, taking what equipment and supplies they could back to their kingdoms. War enveloped the world on a new scale, and as it did, the native populace took to more desperate measures to compete with the technologically superior garrison, enacting ancient rites and forbidden rituals to imbue their warriors with strength to win the conflict. Each night a red moon rose and the natives rituals were answered, their warriors born anew with ferocious battle-lust, some were even possessed by warrior spirits of the past, literally transforming them into ravenous red killing machines.
Eight years have passed since the war began and it shows no sign of ending, the natives now completely devoted to, and depending upon, their Red God of Battle will never stop fighting.

Dramatis Personae
Gosan has established himself as the head of the kingdoms. His battle-lust is insatiable and, along with his twisted claw, marks him out as the most favoured of their god.
In game terms Gosan counts as Straken in my command squad (the rest of whom are still to be painted). He's based on the Wulfrik the Wanderer miniature with a head from a space marine sprue and a claw from the Spawn kit.

The Deathriders are formed of the native’s most skilled cavalry men. Equipped with looted weapons, the death riders will gladly run down infantry with their explosive tipped spears or turn vehicles to slag with stolen melta weapons.
Obviously, these guys are my Rough Rider contingent and are made from a combination of Marauder horsemen and Catachans.

The Beasts
The Beasts are creatures from the deepest parts of the forest. In recent years the natives have begun capturing the creatures and performing rituals to imbue them with the battle skills of their god. The process mutates and warps the creatures, leaving them with little but animal instinct and rage.
These evil looking fella’s are my ‘counts as’ Ogryns and are made from Beastmen Minotaurs and Chaos Spawn parts, with a couple of obliterator arms for weapons.

The Armoury
Traitor SentinelMy vehicles don’t get names (especially as they get blown up every game) but below is a pic of my Chimera (either for command squad or some shotgun veterans I’m working on), my Demolisher and Executioner tanks. To the right is my converted Armoured Sentinel with Lascannon. I got the inspiration for the sentinel from a sketch in the Liber Chaotica.
Traitor Guard Tanks

The Grunts
Converted Penal LegionnairesFinally, here’s a snap of some of my converted penal legionnaires. These guys are a mix of Chaos Marauder, Catachan, and Cadian bits. The random bloodletter you can see next to Gosan, in the tyop picture, I used to use as a priest with Eviscerator, but with 6th edition and allies, I’m going to paint up a few more and just have some bloodletter allies.

So there you have it, my traitor guard. I’ve got a few squads left to be painted, but for the most part I’m pretty happy with them. Hopefully there’s something in all of that to provide a little inspiration to somebody looking to twist their own guardsmen to the whims of chaos.   
Oh and one final thing, I know they’re not based but that’s because I really can’t decide on the best basing to complement the look, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 
As always, your general comments or questions are welcomed. Happy gaming all.

1 comment:

  1. You should base them using a muddy textured paint and then dry brush them with a deep crimson red. I think that would fit in well with the armies background.

